Trying to make the most out of my time here at UZH has made for quite a busy work week and working weekends. It has been quite enjoyable though and the day goes by quickly, before I realize it I have been there ten hours or more. I have learned so much from our collaborators here and have come a long way on my 2-D code. The Monte Carlo crystal optimizer, correlation pair statistics (up to fourth nearest neighbors) and neutron diffraction intensities portions have been written. The paper I am writing has also progressed significantly with lots of helpful editing and suggestions. It is nice to spend so much time with people who are not just experts but also great to work with. I have taken some pictures in Michal's office, which he has been kind enough to share with me for these past couple of weeks. They show Michal who is a post doc from Poland and very good at theoretical crystallography and author of the general disorder simulation and structure solution software ZODS for the project and Hans-Beat who is well established and well known crystallographer and retired professor working and discussing things with me. Today Hans-Beat went over my outline for my talk in Madrid at the IUCr. He has lots of experience giving talks and was really helpful. It makes me feel more confident that I will be prepared to give the invited talk in my session. The last picture below shows all three of us looking at an occupational disorder simulation visualization from ZODS.
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