Some general information on Swiss National Day: " More than 700 years ago, the inhabitants of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden signed a contract of mutual aid and protection, the Federal Charter, now considered to be Switzerland’s deed of foundation. This oath, said to be taken on August 1, 1291 on the Rütli meadow overlooking Lake Lucerne, was mainly an act of rebellion against the ruling Habsburgs.
The National Day on August 1 was, however, only instituted in 1891 to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation. The annual celebration was introduced in 1899, mainly at the insistence of the Swiss living abroad who, seeing the national days already celebrated in other countries, also wanted a special day.
For decades after that, the national day, however, was just an ordinary holiday and only some cantons declared the afternoon or the whole day as an official national holiday. A popular vote – with 83.3% approval - in 1993 made the event an official national holiday.
Celebrations are now held across the country, in which the anthem is sung. It exists in four versions: German, French, Italian and Romansh. " from
After finishing up at UZH, my roommate Geraldine and I went down town to see the fireworks and look at Fraumünster built 853 and Grossmünster meaning "great minister" inaugurated around 1220. (pictures below). I have also included a video I took with the bells of the churches chiming together. The first picture is Grossmünster and the second is me in front of Fraumünster's doors.

We went down by the Zürich lake which is beautiful and has a population of white swans (picture above). We sat on the grass and watched fireworks all around the lake. Some people we letting off their own fireworks which made things exciting because all of the sudden one would go off right near where you were walking, making both of us jump. There was lots of live music and entertainment, including face painting, food, and alcohol. Most people had brought a picnic to eat by the lake. My roommate is pictured with the lake behind her. She was a lot of fun to go with and kept jumping at the fireworks people let off in the street.